The Andes Trail

The Andes Trail
The Route

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Day 5 Guamote to Chunci

I felt a little like I may have a headcold this morning, but it may just be because we had been sleeping at 3060 metres.  So leaving the hostal we returned back to the main road and continued South.  We were soon climbing again and reached a height of over 3300 metres before we started to drop down towards the town of Alausi which was about 47K into the ride.  We had been told that the lunch stop would be somewhere around 50K.  Just as we passed Alausi, which was  below us on our right, someone spotted the lunch truck at the top of a long climb that lay ahead of us!!  A few expletives were said but it was actually the best place for it to be, so after another 3K and 750 metres higher we pulled off the road to the truck at exactly 50K, tired but pleased that we did not have to tackle that climb with full stomachs!!  After lunch it was time to set records, the high speed type!  A long descent on smooth tarmac was just too tempting - I hit 81.2kph but others claim to have gone faster!!  After another small climb along the way we dropped down to our hotel in the centre of Chunci after 80K and over 1300 metres of climbing.  We have come from the dizzy heights of Guamote at 3060 metres to just around 2300 metres - feels like we have dropped into an oxygen tent!!!

Leaving the hostal at Guamote

View from lunch back down to Alausi!


  1. Hi Rob

    What you are doing is amazing and mindblowing. It sounds pretty tough, hopefully you are enjoying it, what an adventure. Take care.
    Bron xxx :)

  2. Congratulations. We hope that his lodged one with us has performed the better thing..
    A lot of luck and happy trip for the whole group

    Hotel Chunchi Imperial.
    I hope To see many pictures of yours in Chunchi.

  3. I'm sure that all that Peak District training now looks like a hollow mockery. Glad you're going well - I'm very envious!

  4. sounds like a jolly to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
