The Andes Trail

The Andes Trail
The Route

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Day 37 Rest day at Ayacucho

Well another rest day, but one with a twist!!  Ayacucho is quite a nice town and we were all enjoying a sunny day off.  I was not going to clean my bike with 3 days of un-paved ahead, just give my chain some lubrication.  Good job I was going to do only that as I discovered a large thorn in my rear tyre, so that required attention too.  Otherwise I did not do much else but update my blog etc.
Now the twist, if you have not already seen my son´s comment on day 36.  A man booked into our hotel in the morning and happened to be in the room opposite me and my 2 room mates.  He tried twice to enter our room during the day by just walking in, and apologising each time as if he had made a mistake and come into the wrong room.  Each time one of my room mates was in, and on one occasion Peter was on his laptop.  Maybe he also saw me in reception on my laptop.  The evening arrives and we all gathered  to go for a meal as usual.  About 45 minutes later Wilbert, of Bike Dreams, comes and finds Peter and I to give us the bad news.  Leaving half our dinner un-touched we retrurned to the hotel and found the door of our room jemmied open and the room in a mess!  We both lost our laptops and cameras, and I also lost my backup disc and Ipod as well as other bits and pieces. So apart from my pictures on Picasa website I have lost them all.  Luckily there are loads of other peoples that we can take copies of but there are some I know are not replacable.  We spent the rest of the night with the police, who looked in his room and found a lot of crumpled up newspapers!  Seems he booked in with a bag of newspapers and left with our goodies insttead!!!!
I will endevour to keep my blog going as I know there are a lot of you looking in, but be patient as we are soon going to be at fewer hotels and either bushcamping or at official campsites.  I plan to get another camera in one of the bigger cities as I feel lost not being able to take pictures, but will make do with internet cafes and my friends laptops, when they are not using them, to update my blog.
I am sure you can imagine my reaction to all this but more about that when I catch up on the following days reports.  I am now more calm and and still setting the whole trip as my major target, there are less than 8000K to go!  Keep in touch please!


  1. Just a quick message Rob - SO GOOD to see you're back on line and, more importantly, still sounding strong and positive. Keep it up.
    All best wishes from Margaret

  2. Hi Rob, I'm glad to hear you're so upbeat after that evil event. One reason I've been hesitant to travel to Peru has been all the stories I've heard of brazen thefts, but yours takes the cake, I'm afraid. Annika and I will look forward to your blogs when you get the opportunity and the best of luck with the rest of the ride, though it be sans laptop. You're right to concentrate on the trip and its goals and get this behind you. I rode 90 miles yesterday in the San Diego backcountry with my Wednesday bike partners and mentioned your trip. Everyone was duly impressed!

  3. So pleased that you have got back in the groove. The annoying thing is that the guy will get peanuts for all the gear! I am so sorry to hear about Dolf's crash reported on the bikedreams site too. Do give him my best wishes. The photos on the site are great - especially you going through the water splash. Having just come back from a cruise I cannot imagine the bushcamp experiences! I know that you must be missing your music - but don't start singing!!!
    Love Avril xx
